We Are California Pure
We are California’s largest single site user of recycled glass, purchasing over 20% of all glass recycled in the State. Nearly 175,000 tons of glass is recycled and diverted from landfills annually. Each Gallo Glass bottle contains up to 75% recycled glass. From sand and soda ash to limestone and cullet, Gallo Glass sources all of its major raw materials within the state of California.
Why Glass?
Glass is made from all-natural materials. It is the preferred packaging among consumers who value it for maintaining the purity of the foods and beverages they consume.
Sustainability Won’t Happen by Itself

Glass is Infinitely 100% Recyclable
Even after continual recycling, glass never loses its quality, purity, or clarity. Glass bottles go from recycling bin to store shelf in as little as 30 days. Gallo Glass uses an average of 45% post-consumer recycled glass in its bottles.

Lightweight Bottle Design
Gallo Glass has developed one of the nation’s lightest wine bottles – just 14 ounces – while maintaining the traditional profile and maximizing shelf presence. Using less glass to make the bottle means less fuel and less carbon emissions.

Glass is Sustainable
Gallo Glass is a member of the Glass Recycling Coalition. We have successfully reduced our carbon footprint and air emissions through a number of recycling programs, the utilization of new technologies and the development of innovative new products.
Energy Reduction Goal
- Increased use of recycled glass cullet
- Model predictive control furnace design
- Furnace exhaust heat recovery
- Compressed air energy audits
Where the Glass is Greener... Since 1958
Gallo Glass, established in 1958, is a state-of-the-art glass manufacturer committed to meeting the needs of its customers, while minimizing its impact on the environment.
Glass Goes the Extra Mile
Additional environmental success has been achieved through Gallo Glass’s development of a unique product design to allow for more bottles to fit on each truck, thereby using fewer trucks, saving energy and reducing transportation CO₂ greenhouse gas emissions.
Glass Stays Out of Landfills
In the past, glass plants did not want to use unsorted post-consumer recycled glass, which was sent to local landfills. Gallo Glass developed an innovative use in its process for this post-consumer recycled glass, known as three-mix cullet, diverting thousands of tons of glass from landfills back into the glass-making process each year.
Gallo Glass Environmental Policy
Compliance – with environmental laws
Curtailment – of pollution
Commitment – to our communities
Continual Improvement – to minimize impact
Gallo Glass Environmental Policy
Gallo Glass Company is driven by the overriding principle to conduct our business in a manner that will protect, preserve, and where practicable enhance the environment. Towards this end all operational decisions shall reflect our firm belief in sound environmental management as we seek to achieve the following:
- Meet or exceed Federal, State and local environmental laws and regulations.
- Develop production practices that will reduce or eliminate our impact on the environment.
- Develop environmental and business strategies that demonstrate our long-term commitment to the communities in which we operate.
- Continually seek out opportunities to improve operations to further minimize our impact on the environment and promote sustainability.
Glass is Forward-Thinking
Gallo Glass was the first container glass facility in the world to convert its furnaces to oxygen-fired natural gas. This expensive, voluntary technology reduced the company’s NOx emissions by 80%.
Recycled Glass Processing in Our Hometown
Just four miles from Gallo Glass, a state-of-the-art glass processing plant sorts and cleans post-consumer recycled glass to furnace-ready specifications. Processing 150,000 tons of recycled glass per year, laser scanning equipment at the facility is capable of processing 50% of the recycled glass cullet Gallo Glass requires to manufacture two million bottles per day.
Glass Saves Water.
Not Just a Drop in the Bucket.

Gallo Glass recycles and reuses 93% of its process water daily.