For over 65 years, Gallo Glass has been strategically located in Modesto to better serve our customers and help us grow. Our plant is located in the midst of neighborhoods where families and children play, learn, and explore. Since we are part of these neighborhoods, Gallo Glass is committed to giving back to the community and helping it grow.
Who Do We Partner With?
To fulfill our social and environmental goals, we have partnered with local governments, businesses, groups and organizations with a common focus to support area residents, schools, and community initiatives. Read the stories below about how Gallo Glass employees are helping our community grow.
Adopt Our River
Gallo Glass is a volunteer coordinator for the Adopt-Our-River Program for the Tuolumne River Trust. Employees participate annually in the cleanup of the neighboring Tuolumne River. To learn more about the Tuolumne River and how you can participate, visit
Community Relief Packages
In spring of 2020, Gallo Glass employees provided food to our community’s tables by participating in a drive-through food giveaway. We safely gave food to community members in need of support during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Love Modesto, Love Airport
Gallo Glass volunteers worked alongside friends and residents of the Airport community to clean up parks, alleyways, and help beautify local schools during the Love Modesto Cleanup event held annually. If you are interested in learning more about Love Modesto and how you can get involved, visit
Career Day
Every spring, Gallo Glass employees across the organization visit local schools and talk to the students about what we do in hopes of inspiring a vision of what their future can hold. We believe that exposing children to a variety of employment opportunities early on provides them with more options to explore when they enter adulthood and maybe one day they will even choose the Gallo Glass family.
Care Bags
In early summer of 2020 as part of our efforts to support the community during the COVID-19 pandemic, Gallo Glass purchased and bagged hygienic and first-aid products to give away to several organizations within the neighborhood. These organizations distributed the care bags to those in need such as individuals, families, and those without housing. We provided this assistance to help those who may have difficulty accessing hygiene products to stay safe and healthy.
Back-to-School Backpack Drive
In partnership with Orville Wright Elementary School and the Parent Resource Center, Gallo Glass employees donate backpacks and school supplies at the start of each year to students enrolled in preschool to the 6th grade.
Holiday Gift Giving
Each year, 50 Airport Neighborhood families are selected by community partners who are familiar with their special circumstances. Gallo Glass provides gifts and activity kits to the children of these families. In 2020, we gave presents to 176 children!
Holiday Meal Boxes
During the holidays, Gallo Glass employees donate non-perishable and easy-to-cook food items in a food drive. Employees then prepare and pack boxes which are distributed to families in the community to help supplement meals over the two week winter break from school.